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Mandy Lee


And prayer.

And faith.

There is something to be said about grit. There is also something sad about the grit being lost in today's society.

I am heading into my third summer on this farm. This specific piece of land. And I still don't have it complete. I still don't have all the infrastructure in place. I still don't have a full time income coming from it. It is actually taking a full time income from an outside job to finish building it.

And it's hard!

And it takes grit. And prayer. And faith!

I want nothing more than to be able to spend all my time focused on ministry and outreach. I want to have the time to pour all of me into the things that matter to my heart. I want to have the time to pour into my family. I want to have the time to get the chores done and still have time for fellowship and my writing.

I will get there.

Because of grit. And prayer. And faith!

I am so thankful for having a calling placed on my heart. I am so thankful for a Father that sees me even in all my mess and still pours out in abundance on me. I am grateful for every trial and valley and mistake I've ever made, because He has used all of those for His good. He has allowed me and blessed me to be able to use the things that caused me shame to reach someone else to help them be restored and reconciled to Him.

Nothing is wasted. No season is in vain.

But it takes grit. And prayer. and faith!

There will come a day when I am able to pour full time into the things He has placed before me. And I know I have no idea just how good it's going to be!

In the meantime, in the waiting, I'm going to get up everyday and give everyday to my Father. I'm going to have faith that there will be time for what there needs to be time for. I will pray that I am able to give everything I have to each task He places before me. And I am going to hold on to my grit that keeps me pushing forward because I don't know how to do anything different.

Hold on to yours too my friend!

May the soul be fertile, the harvest be bountiful and the farmer never grow weary. -Farmer Mandy

May He always do abundantly more than my hands can ever do on their own! Eph. 3:20-21

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